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.::Almost 25::.

Suara kehidupanku memang tak akan mampu menjangkau telinga kehidupanmu; tapi marilah kita coba saling bicara barangkali kita dapat mengusir kesepian dan tidak merasa jemu. [Kahlil Gibran: Cinta, Keindahan, Kesunyian]

.::Almost 25::.

Suara kehidupanku memang tak akan mampu menjangkau telinga kehidupanmu; tapi marilah kita coba saling bicara barangkali kita dapat mengusir kesepian dan tidak merasa jemu. [Kahlil Gibran: Cinta, Keindahan, Kesunyian]

Saturday, June 12, 2004, @ 10:26 AM

What kind of….

I took this quiz, just for fun, at Quizilla. Maybe you’re interested to try it as well .

What kind of girlfriend am I?
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.

Which primary am I?
Tsumetai Kasumi: People may see you as cold-hearted, but deep down you're really not so bad. Not the warmest person, but definitely not the coldest. Intelligent, though slightly depressive and a bit of a doormat, you're a very good person. You're just adept at the Hide ability. Even if you seem cold you're a romantic at heart.
Who is Tsumetai Kasumi?? Oh well, it’s again, True!

What kind of smile am I?
You're the smirk, a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant, but attractive people. You probably just don't give a damn, but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
Uhm.. I think most people would find me that way..

You know, sometimes this kind of quizzes make me think a bit more about myself.
** Thinking… **

~ Dini ~ | Permalink | 0 comments


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