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.::Almost 25::.

Suara kehidupanku memang tak akan mampu menjangkau telinga kehidupanmu; tapi marilah kita coba saling bicara barangkali kita dapat mengusir kesepian dan tidak merasa jemu. [Kahlil Gibran: Cinta, Keindahan, Kesunyian]

.::Almost 25::.

Suara kehidupanku memang tak akan mampu menjangkau telinga kehidupanmu; tapi marilah kita coba saling bicara barangkali kita dapat mengusir kesepian dan tidak merasa jemu. [Kahlil Gibran: Cinta, Keindahan, Kesunyian]

Wednesday, March 31, 2004, @ 2:52 PM


Have you ever felt.. that what you have at the moment... your life.. your problems... they're just too complicated to handle? Too complicated that you got confused of how to deal with them? Too complicated that you felt like you just wanted to run away and leave them all behind? Completely run away wishing that you wouldnt have to face any of them anymore. Felt like running away and start a new life at all without those problems?

Well, it once or twice crossed my mind.
But fortunaltely i was still sane enough to think that somehow what i have is always be better than others out there. Someone out there would've wished that he/she were me. So, i guess i just have to thank God with all of this. Somehow there will be something good out of it. Someday i might be grateful that i deal with it.

~ Dini ~ | Permalink | 0 comments


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